The Recovery of Companies
transmission, recovery, enterprise, entrepreneur, seller, buyer.Abstract
The transmission of an enterprise faces different forms which are the recovery, indeed whether it'sabout a sale or a succession the transmission often puts in danger the existence of an enterprise.An enterprise can be taken over by another enterprise as part of its external growth strategy or by anindividual who can be an heir, a former employee of the enterprise, a commercial or financial partner or aforeign buyer for the firm, but whatever his prior knowledge of the target enterprise the individual buyerholds the position of a new manager and fits into a functioning structure and leads a staff that he did notrecruit..As part of our article, we have been interested in the study of the recovery of enterprises and its variousaspects, in the first part the general case we discussed the resumption namely the transfer of businesses andthrough the brakes related to the transmission and the process of transmission. The second part is dedicatedto the recovery and its integration in the fields of entrepreneurship, as well as the different forms that cantake the recovery of a company namely: the external growth and the recovery of enterprises by individuals.References
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