Techno-economic study of BIPV in typical Sahara region in Algeria
Keywords, BIPV, Energy Economy, Sahara region, energy efficiency, energy consumption.Abstract
Building in urban areas in the Sahara region is confronted with two main issues: (i) the climate change and (ii) the energy consumption. In order to deal with the latest issues, experts want to focus all their efforts on the use of renewable energy, and most particularly solar energy that is widely available at the Sahara. In this work, we have carried out a comprehensive survey related to benefits, techniques, and criteria affecting the energy efficiency of using BIPV and its advantages over glazing. To be clearer, we have selected as a case of study of a contemporary building covered by standard glazing and replaced by BIPV located in a Sahara region in Algeria. Moreover, the point of view of urban architectural, and energy economy, have been well investigated. Where the necessary time period was calculated to recover the total amounts of expenses for BIPV technology in the event that it is installed on the roof and then in the event that this technology is installed in the facades. As a result, using BIPV in this specific region of a hot climate has to be a dominant idea to reduce both energy consumption and economicalReferences
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