Тhe Right to a Healthy Climate as a Function of the Right to Life UDK 342.7:502.131.1
climate, change, human, right, environment, life, health, legislation, law.Abstract
Objective: To define the concept of healthy climate and in this regard to determine the relationship between the right to healthy environment and right to life, as top human right, from a legal and ethical aspects.Results: Analysis of international legislation on environment, climate and human rights, and laws on nature protection, environment and other environmental laws of the Republic of Macedonia and other countries of Southeast Europe, based on the facts of climate change, shows that these changes affect the quality of life and therefore the exercise of the right to a healthy life.Conclusion: The right to life is top human right. All other human rights are subordinate to it. It is healthy climate in which the weather as a meteorological phenomenon is mostly compatible with the physiological states of human organisms, most of the average healthy people, and allows normal physiological functions. Normal physiological functions of the organism has a direct impact on human health. Human health is directly in function of life. It makes life healthy and happy. Only healthy and happy life is a real human life. All the troubles in life can be overcome if the person is healthy. It is a notorious fact. Thus, the right to a healthy climate is in function of the right to life.References
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