Ethical Universities of Integrity and Ethics Management in the Romanian University Environment
ethics management, applied ethics, academic integrity, ethical training, the state of immorality in the academic environmentAbstract
The paper shows that, at the present moment, the University is an institution whose goals, valid for each of its members, include development and professional affirmation, the evolution of knowledge and research in the conditions of respect for the rule of law and human rights. The University respects the dignity of each of its members and promotes academic integrity on ethical principles. Its members are committed to contributing to the democratic development and prosperity of society. The values and principles that universities promote in particular, and whose actual achievement is sought to ensure, are: academic freedom, personal autonomy, justice and equity, merit, professionalism, honesty and intellectual integrity, transparency, respect and tolerance, responsibility, goodwill and care. The management of ethics in the academic environment is the coordination of all elements related to the moral life of a university. "Institutionalization of ethics" in academia is a new reality for which we must be prepared. I believe that , the last decades have insistently imposed on public awareness the importance of taking into account the ethical dimension of the life of universities. Ethical codes, ethics committees, ethical audits, ethical education of staff, techniques to create an institutional culture of a moral nature have all become increasingly widespread.References
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