The influence of positive reinforcements on motivation for education and training activities
education and training activitiesAbstract
This article presents a research on the influence of positive reinforcements on motivation for education and training activities. The study is conducted in a real educational environment. Numerous different theories perceive the motivation of the individual as a driving force for every action and behavior. In this paper, we draw attention to the positive reinforcements, rewards and incentives provided in the learning process, which could influence the motivation for learning and respectively the better performance of the students. The subject of the study is the positive reinforcements, rewards and incentives provided in the training process. The object of the study is cadets in the last year of their education in the Military Science professional field, specializing in Organization and Management of Military Units at a Tactical Level at the National Military University in Bulgaria. The study includes students and cadets in the first year of education as control groups for comparison.Keywords:References
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