A CGE analysis of the impact of climate change on sustainable development: the case of High Plateaux region, Algeria
Integrated assessment, climate change, DPSIR approach, computable general equilibrium, multi-criteria analysis.Abstract
The aim of the paper is to assess the impact of climate change on sustainable development in the case of the High Plateaux region of Algeria. A baseline “climate change” scenario and an “adaptation” scenario were assessed as part of our work. The methodological approach implemented is broken down into three interconnected evaluation phases, pre-modelling phase, modelling phase and post-modelling phase. The work has shown that these complex ex-ante evaluation approaches are adaptable and applicable in the context of Algeria. Our findings indicate that climate change would have a significant impact on economic aggregates on a regional scale. It also highlighted that the calculation of a single index of the impact of environmental policies on the sustainability of arid regions confirms the hypothesis of gaining sustainability by working towards a strategy of adaptation to climate change.References
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