Internet as Media Literature "Knowlwdge of Islamic History": Case Study Students In Jakarta, Indonesia
Literacy media, Internet, Knowledge of Islamic History, JakartaAbstract
The Internet has a huge impact on human life, especially students. Open access to information, will improve the process of disseminating knowledge. This study aims to analyze the level of effectiveness of the use of internet media in increasing the knowledge of students in Jakarta on the history of Islam. The study involved 150 respondents categorized by their administrative region; South Jakarta, East Jakarta, West Jakarta, North Jakarta and Central Jakarta. The results of the study were processed descriptively. Variable in the research are; the attitude of internet users, subjective norms, interest in learning and learning behavior. The results showed that the use of the Internet as a media of literacy is currently not optimal. One of the reasons is, the limitations of internet links that discuss the history of Islamic knowledge in the form of scientific studies, mostly just a blog that is less the sense of scientific, so that students prefer to find sources of literacy from the library (printed book)References
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Separuh Populasi Indonesia Aktif di Medsos. http/ Diakses 31 Januari 2018. Duwi Setiya Ariyanti /2014/11/24/0743008
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