Irrigation, a Component of the Sustainable Agriculture in North Western Romania in the Context of the Climate Change UDK 631. 67 : 551. 583 (498)


  • Cornel Domuţa University of Oradea, Romania
  • Vasile Bara University of Oradea, Romania
  • Maria Şandor University of Oradea, Romania
  • Camelia Bara
  • Cristian Domuţa
  • Lucian Bara
  • Ioana Borza
  • Radu Brejea
  • Manuel Gitea
  • Adrian Vuşcan



irrigation, yield level, soil water content, pedological drought


  The paper is based on the researches carried out during 1976-2010 in the long term trial placed on the prelvosoil from Agricultural Research and Development Station Oradea. The main field crops of the area (wheat, maize, sunflower, soybean, bean, potato, sugarbeet, alfalfa) were studied. Based on the soil moisture determination ten to ten days, the soil water reserve was maintained between easily available water content and field capacity on the watering depth. Pedological and strong pedological drought (the decrease of the soil water reserve on watering depth bellow easily available water content, bellow wilting point respectivelly) were registered every year. The use of the irrigation determined the improve of the water/temperature+light (Domuta climate index) report, the increase of the daily and total water consumption, yield gains very significant statistically, the improve of the yields stability and yields quality, the increase of the water use efficiency. The use of the good soil management didn’t worsen the soil structure and the chemical  and biological parameters of the soil were improved. The researches sustain the irrigation opportunity for sustainable agriculture in the North-Western Romania.


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How to Cite

Domuţa, C., Bara, V., Şandor, M., Bara, C., Domuţa, C., Bara, L., Borza, I., Brejea, R., Gitea, M., & Vuşcan, A. (2012). Irrigation, a Component of the Sustainable Agriculture in North Western Romania in the Context of the Climate Change UDK 631. 67 : 551. 583 (498). Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People, 1(1), 38–49.


