Environmental sustainability model and biodiversity preservation in Central Rhodopes
https://doi.org/10.26458/jedep.v2i1.31Cuvinte cheie:
environment, sustainability, biodiversity, sustainable development, habitats, rare and protected speciesRezumat
The paper examines the significance, opportunities and ways of biodiversity preservation and sustainable use of natural resources in the central region of the mountain of Rhodopes in Bulgaria.The proposed integrated model of recommendations embraces the following issues: preservation of rare, in danger of extinction and protected plant and animal species and their habitats; implementation of approved environmentally friendly practices in plant growing and animal husbandry; sustainable use of forest, hunting and fishing resources; knowledge, capacity building and motivation in applying measures for sustainable development.In fact that model is composed of many components and considers a number of important aspects. Its application will contribute to the sustainable use of natural resources and preserved biodiversity for future generations.Referințe
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Environmental Protection Act of the Republic of Bulgaria
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Medicinal Plants Act of the Republic of Bulgaria
Ministry of Environment and Water in Bulgaria http://www3.moew.government.bg/
National Environmental Strategy and Action Plan
National Plan for Biodiversity Protection
National Strategy for Biodiversity Protection
NATURA 2000 Bulgaria http://www.natura2000bg.org/
Protected Areas Act of the Republic of Bulgaria
Rhodope – Common approaches to a joint planning for the promotion of ecologically sensitive sites on the Rhodope mountain http://www.ekby.gr/Rhodope/en/rodopi.htm
Soils Act of the Republic of Bulgaria
Waste Management Act of the Republic of Bulgaria
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Narŭchnik s preporŭki za opazvane na biologichnoto raznoobrazie v Tsentralnite Rodopi (rid Mursalitsa), Sdruzhenie «Razvitie XXI vek” (Handbook with recommendations for biodiversity preservation in Central Rhodopes (Mursalitsa Hill), XXI century Development Association)
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