Energy potential of Republic of Serbia as an Investment Opportunity UDK 338.48


  • Ivana Milošev The University of Novi Sad, Serbia
  • Ljubica Mijušković The University of Novi Sad
  • Gordana Abramović The University of Novi Sad
  • Andrea Katić
  • Sandra Brkanlić Universidad Jaume, Valencia, Spain


Cuvinte cheie:

Energy potential, Investment, Renewable energy, Serbia


Serbia has a big potential to accomplish the goal of making the environment green and comfortable for living. It started with reforms in comprehensive Energy Sector and set up a new Energy Policy in accordance with the EU practice and standards. With new national policy, Serbia became aware of middle-term and long-term strategies for developing of adequate Power Sectors. There were investments into the Network and there are plans for building new and expanding existing transforming stations, building new interconnecting line and making some other investments. Having in mind the cooperation with EU, Service for Electrical Energy Market Development has already prepared wide range of available services related to market and deregulation of network, from requirements for connecting to transmission line to securing balance mechanism, and that makes possible for international Electrical Power market to exist. Since the production system is unable to respond to the demand in certain moments of time and Serbia has to import Electrical Energy, that makes Renewable Energy Sources very attractive for use in Power system. Deficit of electrical power must be covered either by import or by more intensive investments in new production capacities, making Serbian energy sector economically interesting.

Biografie autor

Andrea Katić

Educons University, Serbia


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Cum cităm

Milošev, I., Mijušković, L., Abramović, G., Katić, A., & Brkanlić, S. (2012). Energy potential of Republic of Serbia as an Investment Opportunity UDK 338.48. Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People, 1(1), 19–26.


