Premises for Adapting Curriculum and Educational Package to Labor Market Requirements


  • Luise Mladen Spiru Haret University, National Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection
  • Rocsana Tonis (Bucea-Manea) Spiru Haret University


Cuvinte cheie:

adapt2jobs, market research, market requirements on human resources, university curriculum


From all times it has been demonstrated that human resource is the most important and valuable asset for a company. Investing in human resource training and education should be a priority for organizations and universities. As the investments to bring benefits for economy the communication and collaboration between organizations (market) and universities (school) must be very close. As a consequence the scope of the paper was to identify the measures necessary to improve the existing university curriculum by linking with the labor market requirements. In this regard was implemented a market research within, “Adapt2jobs” POSDRU project, in 2 steps: a survey for organization and a survey for students. The article presents the results of the qualitative and quantitative results of the analysis regarding the market demand, the requirements of organizations for employees.

Biografii autori

Luise Mladen, Spiru Haret University, National Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection

Mladen Luise is currently an associate professor teaching at the Spiru Haret University, Faculty of Finance and Banking. In parallel she is a senior researcher at The National Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection. She first studied Chemistry and Physics at the University of Bucharest and later Finance and Banking at the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest. She completed her PhD in Management with the thesis entitled “The formation and functioning of the labour market in Romania” and later a post-doctoral programme with a research paper focused on the topic of “The impact of the labour market mutations on the sustainability of the pension system”.

Rocsana Tonis (Bucea-Manea), Spiru Haret University

Junior Lecturer PhD Spiru Haret University,Faculty of Economic Sciences. 


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Fișiere adiționale



Cum cităm

Mladen, L., & Tonis (Bucea-Manea), R. (2016). Premises for Adapting Curriculum and Educational Package to Labor Market Requirements. Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People, 5(3), 38–45.


