Characteristic of in-work poverty – a comparison between Romania and European Union


  • Mihaela Ghența National Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection


Cuvinte cheie:

labour market, in-work poverty


The aim of this article is to analyse the characteristics of the working poor in Romania compared to other European Member States. In-work poverty is an important aspect in the discussions regarding the effectiveness of employment in preventing the risk of poverty. The in-work poverty is the result of several factors among which we mention those related to the individual characteristics, household composition, and labour market policies. In Romania, the level of in-work poverty continues to remain high for the overall employed population aged 18 years and over and this evolution is due to the part-time working program, the temporary contracts, and the low level of education. The last part of the article presents the measures identified in the scientific literature to reduce the in-work poverty. 

Biografie autor

Mihaela Ghența, National Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection

National Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection


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Cum cităm

Ghența, M. (2017). Characteristic of in-work poverty – a comparison between Romania and European Union. Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People, 6(3), 47–56.


