
  • Haradhan Kumar Mohajan Assistant Professor, Premier University, Chittagong, Bangladesh



Cuvinte cheie:

Research methodology, qualitative research, phenomenology, ethnography, narrative approach, grounded theory, content analysis, action research, historical research, case study.


This literature review paper discusses the proper use of qualitative research methodology to discuss several aspects of the research for the improvement of the skill of the readers. During the last few decades, the use of qualitative research has been increased in many institutions. It can be used to explore several areas of human behavior for the development of organizations. The purpose of this study is to provide inspirations to the new researchers for the development of their qualitative articles. The paper analyzes the design of qualitative research giving some methodological suggestions to make it explicable to the reader. In this paper an attempt has been taken to study the background of the qualitative research methodologyin social sciences and some other related subjects, along with the importance, and main features of the study.  

Biografie autor

Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Assistant Professor, Premier University, Chittagong, Bangladesh

Assistant Professor, Premier University, Chittagong, Bangladesh


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Cum cităm

Mohajan, H. K. (2018). QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY IN SOCIAL SCIENCES AND RELATED SUBJECTS. Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People, 7(1), 23–48. https://doi.org/10.26458/jedep.v7i1.571


